On the road to Mugla you find some of the more heavily touristic places in Turkey.Kusadasi and Bodrum are for the package tourists and the are fairly spoilt from the masses of sun-fun seeking revellers. Below you see Bodrum from its marina.
On the way to Mugla it is worth it to stop near the Zeus Magarasi a cave with extremely chilled waters that used to be worshipped from the pagans as one of Zeus resting places and then it carried its mystical status through the years to the worshippers of other religions and that is why you see once again the rags and ribbons of muslims's wishes and prayers.In Dilek Peninsula lies the Dilek National Park a mountainous natural reserve for horse riding and walking.
Riding to Mugla there are plenty of Kofteci places serving local delicacies like Sucuk (turkish sausage).
Mugla is a quiet, authentic, provincial city with fine Ottoman whitewashed traditional houses.
Daily Distance: 100Km
Total Distance: 500Km
Pros: The lads
Cons: Motorbike broke down, trivial damage 80 Turkish Liras (40e)
Soundtrack: George Harisson, While My Guitar Gently Weeps